They say, with good reason, that you should never take any notice of what your close relatives say about your writing. Now that the flu bug has receded from our family, John and I nipped over to Notts on Friday for a belated Christmas reunion, and I was able to give out my family copies of the new edition of
The Birth Machine. Today my mum rang me to say that she is 7 chapters in. And she wanted to tell me that this new version is much,
much better! Now, she said, with the new, or rather original, structure, it's a story about 'what people do to each other', whereas previously it was more of a one-sided, 'fighting' kind of book, and not nearly as good! But did she say that last when the first edition came out? You bet she didn't....

To turn to less personal matters, the Faber Academy discussion of creative writing on Fictionbitch, which has turned out to be a pretty busy debate,
continues with a chance to leave questions for FA tutors Sue Gee and Marcel Theroux.
And, in a not unconnected matter, I'm grateful to
Tania Hershman for a link to a Huffington Post
article by Anis Shivani, which provocatively suggests that writers shun all media and social aspects of the writing industry and by implication such things as creative writing classes and workshops....
made me laugh, that, although Id love to do what it say.
including, presumably, not reading the Huffington Post's diktats?
I do love the way people come out with the 'there are no rules dears, don't listen to anyone'. Rather like kids wearing jeans because they refuse to wear uniforms, the jeans become uniform.
Yes, I'd love to, too, Vanessa ... Can't see it, though....
First rule of No Rules Club.....
Hee hee, Rachel.
The Rule According to Me:
There are all sorts of rules if you want your work to get published by someone other than yourself...if you don't, then of course, there are none.
Yes, exactly.
My rule: compromise wherever you need to; don't if you don't.
So glad you enjoyed my link! I think I didn't express enough in my blog post that I didn't exactly take it seriously, and clearly neither did he... but I did like some of what he said anyway. No rules! And funny about your mother, but isn't that what mothers are supposed to say anyway?!
Yes, T, she's not a bad mother....
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