Anyway, I'm pleased to say that I shall be risking his spleenful keyboard further by doing the same with the reissued The Birth Machine: I've signed up with them again, and a tree will be planted for every copy - well, 1.3 trees, actually, to allow for saplings dying. I just love the fact that for the wood pulp used for each copy (and the ire expended by sexists everywhere), a new tree will grow somewhere.
You can also plant trees with Eco-Libris for the books you read, for as little as a dollar a book: here.
This is a wonderful idea Elizabeth, and take no notice of the complainer. I love trees but a world without books would be pointless.
It is a really great idea, Angela!
Great sparring! I think the tree planting is a wonderful idea - but there won't be enough land to plant all the trees!!! Love the image for The Birth Machine, btw.
Glad you do, Rachel!
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