Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Keeping track on stories

Last autumn I wrote here about a new story exploring the question of gender which was prompted by my reading on embryology and intersex. That story, 'Double Helix' has now been taken by The London Magazine - although I didn't even know it for a good while! It's never happened to me before, but I missed the acceptance. Needing to withdraw a different submission earlier this month, I went to the Submittable website through which many competitions, some publishers and magazines including The London Magazine now receive submissions, only to discover that 'Double Helix' had been accepted more than a month before - somehow I hadn't received the automatic email Submittable usually generates on acceptance (I searched through all my email boxes including the trash, but there was no sign). Since so much time had gone by and I hadn't replied, there was no guarantee that The London Magazine would still be publishing the story, but all's well that ends well: the story is coming out in the December/January issue. I am of course thrilled.


Tim Love said...

Not wanting Submittable to send me a regular newsletter, I disabled an option in the settings, not realising that it disabled all e-mail. I too found out late about an acceptance - and many rejections.

Congrats in London Magazine. I've given up trying.

Elizabeth Baines said...

Oh, thanks for letting me know this. I'd better look at my settings! Thanks for congrats. Don't give up, though, you never know...