Monday, November 07, 2011

Giveaway results

I'm delighted to announce the winners of the giveaway of copies of my three Salt books, drawn from the hats by independent adjudicator John. Congratulations to those winners and thanks to all those who entered (and you know where you can get copies instead!)

The five winners of the new edition of The Birth Machine are:
Diane Becker
Jo Derrick
Alan Beard

The two winners of Too Many Magpies are:
Susie Maguire

And the two winners of Balancing on the Edge of the World:
Alison Wells
Monty Reid (via Facebook)

If the winners can drop me a note of their addresses via my email (see my profile) I'll send them winging your way forthwith!


  1. *Happy Dance* Thank you so much!

  2. Wow! What a lovely surprise, Elizabeth. I'm so thrilled. Thank you. Definitely one of the best ways to start a Monday.
