Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dusting etc

Everything's done and dusted for me at the moment, writing-wise, and I'm actually getting back to my life! Yesterday I did a waist-high pile of ironing, and discovered clothes I'd forgotten I had but hadn't actually missed as I've hardly been out since January. This afternoon I'm going to tackle  a huge pile of mending - I know, it's archaic, but when you're on the income (what income?) of a writer... And then I may have to turn my attention to some cleaning: now that I have started to look around me again I have noticed that the spiders have been as busy as me... And joy of joys, I'm back to reading...


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Just wanted to thank you for your recommendation and review of my novel 'The Principle of Camouflage' on the Guardian books blog; I'm so glad you enjoyed it and it is great to have it suggested as an extra nomination for their first book award (prohibitively expensive) list.

    Best of luck with your writing, when you've done all the other things that writers have to do too...

    Frances Bingham

  2. Frances, how lovely that you have dropped in and I can tell you personally how much I LOVED your book! It's still with me - all the characters, and that wonderful atmosphere, and whole phrases - which is the mark of brilliant writing! I must get around to blogging about it all and letting my readers know - in the meantime I urge them all here to read it!

  3. I love that comment - on a writer's income - this is the book that I am living by. An afternoon spent gardening or cooking is cheaper than a browse of the shops. A reread cheaper that a flashy new book. Good company and wine better than a noisy trattoria.

    I read about downshifting - living with less and gaining more - and I feel I could turn this word inside-out and use it all over again!

    On with my editing..

    best, catherine

  4. Good luck with the editing, Catherine!
