Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twitter, Too Many Magpies, and a nice review

Very pleased to say that William Rycroft has given Too Many Magpies a really nice review. Interestingly, he begins the review by posing the question, Does Twitter sells books? His answer is yes, as he found out about TMM through the #dearpublisher discussion on Twitter, via which he got into a dialogue with my publisher Chris at Salt. Chris, bless his heart, recommended it when William explained the kind of book he liked. Thank you to both of them, and very glad it came up to William's expectations!


  1. You're racking up the cool reviews, Elizabeth - brilliant!

    I enjoyed that one lots.

    Your publishers work very hard, too!

  2. Yes, Rachel, I'm feeling very lucky...

  3. Your lucky feeling is justifiable - super well done on making Sean O' Faolain shortlist!! Woohoo!

  4. Thank you, Rachel. I am, of course, thrilled!
