Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Correction to May Wikio UK culture blog rankings

Whoops, seems there was a glitch and I got the wrong Wikio Top UK culture blog rankings for May - and turns out this blog is SECOND! Crikey, I don't know what to say except thanks so much, guys, for getting it there! I've deleted yesterday's list and here's the new preview (list will now go live tomorrow) :

1A Don's Life - Times Online WBLG (+6)
2Elizabeth Baines (+3)
3Pepys' Diary (=)
4Dovegreyreader scribbles (-3) (-3)
6Cornflower (+38) (-1)
8Other Stories (Ent.)
9Mark Kermode's film blog (+6)
10My Favourite Books (+18)
11HeyUGuys (+1)
12The news feed (+59)
13BubbleCow (+1)
14BBC - Introducing blog (-6)
15Books, Mud and Compost (+48)
16Clothes on Film (-7)
17Peter Stothard - Times Online WBLG (-13)
18Philip Bloom (+4)
19Live for Films (Ent.)
20Ben's Bookcase (-7)
21NextRead (+18)
22Tales from the Reading Room (+10)
23Bookshelf (-5)
24Sugar the Pill (Ent.)
25Bart's Bookshelf (-15)
26Eve's Alexandria (-3)
27A Piece of Monologue: Literature, Philosophy & Critical Theory (+226)
28Verso UK's Blog (+56)
2920jazzfunkgreats (-10)
30The Book Smugglers (Ent.)

Ranking by Wikio


  1. That's excellent! And glad to see that Cornflower is now there too!

  2. Yes, it's a lovely site, and thank you for letting me know about it!
