Friday, April 30, 2010

Launches at Waterstone's

Well, amidst all the debate about Waterstone's and the extent to which it supports smaller presses and their writers, I am able to report that the truly nice Nick at Waterstone's Deansgate Manchester has agreed to host a launch for the reissue of The Birth Machine when it comes out in October!

And on Wednesday night I was at a very well-attended launch there for my friend Cath Staincliffe's new novel, The Kindest Thing, published by Constable and Robinson. Held in the events room with its elegant windows overlooking Deansgate and the thirties windows of Kendal's (which always make me expect Superman to come flying in front of them at any moment), it was a lovely evening. The book is a departure for Cath from her detective novels, although it's a crime novel in that it's constructed around a criminal trial, and the very topical case of a woman convicted for helping her husband, who was suffering from motor neuron disease, to die. It's a page-turning read, and yesterday, suffering from a migraine and unable to write yet still able to read, I took the book to bed and gobbled it all up in one day!


  1. That's wonderful! Will start saving up for my train ticket to Manchester in October, I love celebrating the birth - or re-birth - of a book. Good for Waterstone's!

  2. Oh fabulous - I would love you to be there!
