Sunday, July 05, 2009

Just One Book into Second Phase

Salt's Just One Book campaign moves into a new phase today. While the campaign has been amazingly successful, a push is still needed. As a result of the campaign total trade figures for June were up 21% on the previous June, a summer month when sales are usually down rather than up. However, trade sales for the first six months of this year are still down 4% on 2008, and Chris Hamilton-Emery says 'our challenge is to grow our trade sales over the coming months to keep the business on track'.

This is how he says you can help:

We need to keep Salt in the public eye. Here's how you can help. If you've bought a book from Salt and you enjoyed it please continue to support us by doing two important things (they're both free):

1. Firstly, tell your friends about the Salt title you enjoyed. Recommend it to them. Tell your friends on Twitter what you thought about it. Blog about it, if you like. Pass it on in anyway you can. Spread the word.

2. Secondly, please post a brief review of the book on Amazon to help the author. Amazon reviews do work.

Thank you for all your support. It really does matter.

Very best from me and Jen
Of course, if you wanted to write an Amazon review of Balancing on the Edge of the World, that would not just help Salt but make me very happy indeed...

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