Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My virtual book tour: Why write?

Not a long trip this week for my virtual tour of Balancing on the Edge of the World - just a quick hop up the road from last week's stop at Clare Dudman to novelist Caroline Smailes. Caroline's blog is renowned for the innovative way she used it to showcase her first novel, In Search of Adam, with the result that the novel was quickly picked up by publisher The Friday Project, and for the quirky and entertaining ways she continues to promote her novels there and relate to her readership. Not surprisingly, her novels are just as unique: striking in their use of graphics and typography, and utterly moving. Their great achievement is that they deal with searingly grim situations in such a way that you are utterly hooked: I read both ISoA and Black Boxes with a ravenous greed, and others have said the same. (I wrote about ISoA here.)

In this week's tour interview, Caroline asks me the hardest question of all to answer: Why do I write? See how I do here.


  1. Great, and as usual fulsome, answers, E. I've read Caroline's 'In Search of Adam' very moving book.

    She asks you some great questions, and I nodded away reading your response that included Mrs Gladden :)

  2. So you had the same experience, Barbara! There's really nothing like a great teacher.
