Friday, November 21, 2008

The things you sometimes see from your writing desk II

They're filming Debbie Horsfield's Choir Project next door again. And they're doing night filming this time:


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Oh dear, that's all you need. Or am I just a cynical film-maker?

    Hope all is well with you.


  2. Well, it's not as disruptive this tme for some reason. Maybe I'm just more focused on my work. Bu then on Monday they'll be using our front door again...

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    We've had builders working opposite us for almost a year, and it's funny how sometimes it can be so irritating and distracting, then at other times, I hardly notice. I've bought industrial ear protectors to wear when they're using serious power tools, and I sit and write in a soundless bubble. Sometimes I wear them when the builders aren't making a noise, if I feel a need to change my work environment.

  4. Yes, it's amazing how it differs. Industrial ear protectors - brilliant idea, though!
