Saturday, March 24, 2007

MMU reading: Linda Chase, Jackie Roy and Jeffrey Wainwright

A fair-sized crowd on Thursday for the final event in the MMU Writing School series of readings, in which three of the school's own lecturers presented their work. Poet Linda Chase gave one of her sparky performances with which Manchester audiences have become familiar, novelist Jackie Roy read from her witty and thought-provoking novel The Fat Lady Sings, and finally poet Jeffrey Wainwright stated that although he had always up till now avoided writing autobiographical poetry, he had lately surprised himself by writing it, and proceeded to read these new poems, surprising the audience in turn and indeed moving us.

There was a celebratory atmosphere (and not just because there was wine): there was a justified feeling that this series had been a success, and that the Writing School is flourishing. During the break someone reminded me that there had been a parallel series of readings at the other university. I had still not seen them advertised anywhere, and had therefore forgotten about them, and it was perhaps not surprising then that, as she said, they weren't very well attended.

And then over to Kro2 bar with Mark from our reading group (who was also there and is an MMU student) and others. All I can say is that it's a very good job I was not on any writing deadline next day!


  1. Just met your blog. Enjoyed a swift look so shall be back! Am in the NW too.

  2. Hi Jan, thanks for dropping in. Just had a brief glance at your blog and it looks engrossing. Will be back!
